Freitag, 16. März 2012

Adam Cohen - What Other Guy

Artist ----  Adam Cohen
Song   ----  What Other Guy
Album  ----  Like A Man (2012)

Background: Adam Cohen (born September 18, 1972) is a Canadian musician, singer-songwriter, and frontman of the band Low Millions. As a recording artist, he has released three major label albums, two in English and one in French. Like A Man is his latest record and will be released next month. It's an intimate, soft acoustic record and pays homage to his father.

Trivia: Adam Cohen is the son of famous Canadian songwriter and musician Leonard Cohen who is member of the US Rock 'n' Roll Hall Of Fame.

My two cents: What Other Guy is a very emotional, acoustic-driven song and sung with Adam's warm baritone voice. I really like it and it let's me dream even during daytime. It's also a song special to me because I got the recommendation for Adam Cohen from a person that used to be a very good and close friend of mine but that I lost contact with because of some stupid mistakes I made. Perfect song for that kind of mood.

Cite: See you with nothing on but the radio

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